Basically after one illness after another (boo, hoo get that man a hanky). I've done very little. That isn't to say I haven't done anything.
A person once said to me, "I'll speak to you when your famous." My answer was direct, "I don't think so, I can't measure fame, only success." It's a fickle and superficial world, I feel almost unspoiled living a corner of the world that is farthest from, but also out of the buzz, and pulse of where it's all happening it has it's pros and cons.
Anyone that knows me, will tell you I'm a self confessed film addict, music lover and horror fan. My first website was dubbed the 'quirky to turkey' film reviews. I regularly write reviews on IMDB. Not to practice writing, (although some may say need it) but because a hour and a half or so of my life has past me by as the credits roll and I'd like to have something good or bad to show for it.
I wont comment on the flurry and mixed pr
oduction values of Japanese horror remakes, I'll leave alone the films that are remade in less than two years of release because most don't want to read subtitles. I won't mention the bad ones, ultimately everyone has their own opinions and taste. But the soulless ones can be sniffed out and found in a bargain bucket somewhere. And I feel the same about sequels, no one wants a rehash of the first, but it pains me when a sequel disregards the ideas of the predecessor or changes the concept into an uber version, just for the sake of showing us something new. We vested time in the characters we want to see them continuing in 'that' world, or develop further. I don't wanna see them become something they are not.
I digress, while I have been poorly it's given me a chance to reflect on my work, I find it hard to juggle my writing with my film work. And like my love of films the same can be said for writing, James Herbert did for my writing what Elstree did for my film calling. They go hand in hand but are very different beasts. I've recently have been commissioned to write a book based on a true crime, I can't say too much but it's a horrific, brutal and violent contemporary story. I also have Dead Pulse coming out later this year, a zombie tale. If truth be told I'm nervous and reluctant for it's release, don't get me wrong I have confidence in the story but the market has been saturated, and sometimes ideas seem to be in the air and comparisons can easily be drawn. Nevertheless, Dead Pulse is what it is, a zombie story many years in the making and I hope it will be enjoyed by it's intended hardcore audience.
Blood Hunger 
is out there available to the public and critics, it seems to have been well received. I was asked in a radio interview how do you feel about critics, if truth be known no one likes negative criticism, especially when it's clear they haven't even read or seen your film. That aside I laugh at these bull shitters who say it doesnt bother them, I agree though, some constructive criticism is healthy, it helps you improve but if you're a newbie filmmaker and or a writer and you'd like some advice on the subject don't put yourself out there if you can't take the flak. And certainly don't rush something out if it's not ready.
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