With The X-Files, Twin Peaks and countless other shows being revived as series' or films, it felt timely to approach Universal/NBC. It's no secret, I'm a huge Miami Vice fan.
I decide to contact NBC with a proposed once vice episode and in my independent capacity it's has been difficult getting a forum with NBC/Universal and key players/producers. Given the nature of the episode it was paramount to get actor/singer Michael Philip Thomas on board which I have had more success with. His Theatrical Agent has been most helpful and supportive of the project. Don Johnson, Edward James Olmos, Sandy, Michael Talbott and John Leguizamo have all bee invited to read the proposed 112th Miami Vice Episode.
You also can read the outline here:
If you like what you've read and if this is something you'd like to see, if it takes fan encouragement to get NBC/Universal interested in this, then I guess that's what it would need. I'll leave it to you as even the best literary agents and their contacts are having problems.
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