A small band students escape the post-zombiefication of their school to discover their families fates while battling some unsavoury survivors and zombie hordes.
The teen focus for the most part works, although it plays a little awkward for viewers given the abundance of up-skirt and cleavage shots. Still it's an interesting perspective. Some of the scenes granted are childish and overly comedic but these are few and those familiar with the anime style wont bat an eyelid. The interplay between the teenagers and adult protagonists are handled well and the highschoolers especially Psycho and Takashi come across older than they are.
There's cursing, violence, action, blood and gore aplenty, the slow moving zombies are perfectly realised, gruesome and scary which gives the show the required edginess to hold its own. High School of the Dead is designed and drawn skilfully with the sound design and soundtrack as equally pleasing.
Yes, it suffers from the all zombie genres clichés and stereotypes but it's fulfilling, exciting and fun.