Friday 4 February 2022

The Requin (2022) Review


A storm reduces a little getaway Vietnam villa on stilts to a raft on the sea and a couple must battle nature to survive. 

 Writer, director Le-Van Kiet offering The Requin makes comparable Great White (2021) look like the Godfather of shark movies in comparison. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it’s frankly not very good. Kiet does deserve credit for the serious tone, the storm sequence and premise, but looks out of his depths in delivery. Don’t expect the thrill, effectiveness or quality of likes of The Reef, 47 Metres Down, Open Water or the Shallows to name a few. It was never going to be Jaws, even Shark Hunter (2001) brought light-hearted pleasure. 

 Alicia Silverstone’s acting as Jaelyn is fine, giving a sterling payday performance, but while trying to save her husband, she can’t save the disjointed production, plodding script or FX. Editor Tommy Aagaard, clearly has to wrestle the elements, has the impossible task of bringing it together and it shows. 

 Overall, it’s a muddled mess, the shark footage is its most redeeming feature. It’s another case of the poster to the film being much more impressive.

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