Wednesday 27 April 2022

Crocodile 2: Death Swamp (2002) Review


After a bank robbery, the criminals try to escape but the plane ends up in swamp where the robbers/hijacker's and survivors come face to face with a huge crocodile.

With a trio of writers director Gary Jones offers a cheap and cheerful creature feature with some twists and turns. It's debatably better than the very loosely connected first. Some atmosphere is created in the nighttime sets ups, but the daylight scenes aren't kind on the iffy effects. The locations, blood and practical crocodile works for the most part but is let down by the crocs CGI counterpart and continuity errors galore.

The cast for the most part are quite good, but can't lift the pale imitation Quentin Tarantino script snappiness from above average. Heidi Lenhart and Martin Kove shine. Bad guy Max played by Darryl Theirse is notable. Paul Walker-alike but a lot cheaper Chuck Walczak as Zach does his best and Dan Martin as the Pilot is memorable, but his screen time is limited.

Overall, it's everything you would expect from a B-straight-to-video creature film. Jones' offering is also one of the better low-budget killer crocodile films, but with a little more care it could have been so much more.

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